Dr. Carolina Cespedes
Dr. David McFadden
5301 W Lovers Lane, Suite 102
Dallas, TX 75209
(214) 956-9100


photo of a happy group of people

If you’d like to share about your experience at our office, please fill out our comment form. We would love to hear about your great experience and share it with others. Thank you.

“I had a removable partial for years. I got used to eating certain foods and not being able to eat other foods. After I replaced my missing back teeth with implants, I can chew anything! If only I’d have known how much better they’d be, I’d have them put in years ago. It’s like I’ve gone back in time. It’s absolutely worth it. And it didn’t hurt!”


“As a professional in the marketing industry, my appearance is very important. Because of recent illness and chronic infections, some of my teeth needed to be replaced, and I began researching my options — finally deciding on implants rather than dentures or bridges.

“After unsatisfactory meetings with three different doctors, I finally received a referral through my father, whose longtime dentist recommended Dr. McFadden and the Dental Implant Center.

“I was so impressed with Dr. McFadden — not only his personal warmth and the passion he has for his work, but also the fact that he had been in charge of the implant center at U.T. Southwestern, and stays up to date with the latest technology and equipment.

“Now, I am more than pleased with my implants. With their perfect color and shape, they look better than my natural teeth ever did. I’m also now more confident about eating during business lunches — and feeling free to show off my smile.”

Dawn C

“After three previous sets of dentures made by two other dentists, I never thought I’d be able to have dentures that I would be able to chew with, or be comfortable wearing. If only I had found you years ago! Dr. Paradis, you are truly gifted. I can’t thank you enough! Thanks for being so kind, gentle, and considerate. I’m very happy with the results and grateful to you and Barbara as well as all of your staff! You all do a wonderful job!”

Sincerely, F.S.

Until recently, options for replacing several teeth — dentures or partial dentures — were not all that appealing.

Brudus, then 87, lived with removable, partial dentures for nearly 50 years before he decided on implant-supported bridges. Brudus wanted an alternative that would eliminate the discomfort he felt when his dentures pinched and rubbed his soft gum tissue.

Problems associated with wearing dentures can include unattractive changes in facial features, collapse of jaw and decreased chewing ability.

“The implants are better than the teeth I was born with,” Brudus said. “Now I can eat without experiencing pain. It’s the best decision I ever made.”

“My husband and I would like to express our thankfulness, Dr. Paradis, for your highly trained, calm, kind, caring expertise in the treatment of our daughter (name withheld). The trauma of her experience was delineated by your calm explanation and your gentle treatment. Your patient, understanding demeanor alleviated her fears. Dental practitioners of your caliber — highly trained and qualified and trained in all areas — are few. We as a family have been blessed. May God continue to enable you in your service to others.”

Sincerely, Mrs. R.S.

According to a study in the Journal of Dental Research, 40 % of older Americans are missing some teeth and 10.5 percent are edentulous, or without teeth.

When a person loses his or her teeth, the bone that once supported the teeth starts to resorb or deteriorate. A removable denture can further this degenerative process by placing pressure on the bone.

Years of wearing dentures left Faye, then 65, with unattractive facial changes. She required surgery to prepare her mouth for implant-supported bridges.

An implant-supported bridge or denture can stop bone deterioration. The implants stimulate the bone to return to a healthy state.

“Wearing dentures for 40 years caused my lips to cave in and changed the shape of my face,” Faye said. “Surgery, along with implants, helped to correct this problem.”

“A parent is so proud when their child marries, grows up … a parent knows their child’s beauty inside and how special their talents and God given gifts are … how perfectly individual. My daughter has become a beautiful young woman and will make a beautiful bride, but I thank God each and every day for the ‘smile’ you gave her. Although the physical is obvious, the smile that you gave her is from the inside out. Thank you for your caring and expertise. We couldn’t possibly have been more pleased with the level of care you took to achieve the amazing results.”

Sincerely, KF

By the time Charles was 60, he had undergone multiple root canals, fillings, and tooth extractions to salvage his teeth. Despite preventive measures, the condition of Lee’s teeth deteriorated and he eventually lost 18 out of 26 teeth. “As the condition of my teeth was worsening, I found myself smiling less,” said Lee, who is now 63. “I noticed that I was doing a lot of things differently because I didn’t think my teeth looked good.”

Charles’s self-esteem improved when a set of dental implants restored his smile. “Dental implants have really changed my life in so many ways,” Lee said. “And I owe it all to Dr. McFadden.”

“I wish I’d have known just what a ‘Prosthodontist’ is the FIRST time I had a crown! What a difference! It feels good … and it looks perfect! It’s my front tooth and nobody can tell it’s not mine. (Sometimes I even forget which one it is!) Thank you for taking the time to get it right.”

Sincerely, SW

“I have worn dentures for over 30 years. I was miserable and on my third set when Dr. [name withheld) gave up and sent me to Dr. Paradis for help. I was extremely skeptical and doubted that I’d ever be able to successfully wear dentures. Dr. Paradis was very patient and took extra time to assure me along the way. He made me new ones himself, and all I can say is, ‘My mouth feels 30 years younger!’ ”

Thank you! JC

“A great big, ‘Thank you’ to you all for my beautiful smile! Alan, my partial looks so real and fits great. Thank you, Barbara, for being so warm and friendly. You made me feel comfortable (in a DENTIST’S OFFICE, no less!) Kim, thanks for holding my hand and laughing with me. You’re quite a team and made a stressful and (what I thought would be) painful time so much easier. I appreciate your expertise and professionalism for a job ‘well done’!”

Thanks again, DS

“Just wanted to let you know what a FANTASTIC job I think you all do! I was so nervous about getting my implant but you made the experience very pleasant and surprisingly painless! I’m looking forward to getting my cosmetic work….”

Thank you!!! JA

“Dr. Paradis, I would like to extend a special ‘Thank you’ and to tell you that my teeth haven’t felt like this since I was a young girl! I couldn’t be more pleased. Thank you so very much!”

Sincerely, MM

“Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication. You are the first dentist who has truly helped me achieve the results that I want. You are a wonderful doctor.”

Sincerely, J.L.

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